

🌸💎Meow💎🌸💎artist💎gamer💎she/her💎21💎ADHD💎Autistic💎main: Chun-Li/Juri/Hatsune Miku/Mai Shiranui🌸💎💖senpai Dominion💖💎

フォロー数:870 フォロワー数:511

Knuckles already met Diamond and look at Knuckles reaction

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Here comes Diamond! ^^ 💙💎💙💎💙💎💙💎💙💎💙💎💙💎💙💎💙💎💙💎💙💎💙💎💙💎💙💎💙💎💙💎💙 (my art)

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Our wonderful goddess 😊💙💎💙💎💙💎💙💎💙💎💙💙💎💙💎💙💙💎💙💎💙💎💙💎💎💎💙💙💙

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Diamond the Cat's full power of in immortal and goddess over load power the great goddess of all emeralds to protect (my art)

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