


*I draw*

フォロー数:1351 フォロワー数:96

So I've been drawing more again. Trying to get out of the "I'll never be as good as these artists" mentally. I stopped drawing for months because I feel like I wasn't improving. I want to get better so I'll keep practicing!

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Here's some fan art of that I started last week and forgot to finish until tonight. I hope you're doing great after everything that happened and thanks for the short time with us. Maybe we'll see you live again someday!

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Here's a drawing I did 2 months ago and forgot to upload. Being stuck in artist block sucks.

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New illustration! 1 of 2 unfinished ones done. Very simple shading but I kind of like it.

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Here's a drawing I did of a random character with no name. I only did one illustration this week since I've only been practicing anatomy most of the time. What should I focus on improving other than anatomy?

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Since I've been playing a lot of persona lately I decided to draw the male protagonist from my favorite persona game.

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Yui from K-ON! Decided to do fan art instead of an original character for a change.

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Stayed up till 5am finishing this drawing and I think it was worth it. Definitely my favorite drawing I've made so far.

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Decided to experiment with thinner lines and better shading with this. I think this is my best work yet! Also here's my favorite original character by me, Amy!

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Tried something new with the skin shading on this drawing and I like it a lot more.

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