

@z00tzAnchorClub @y00tsNFT @thegoonsclub @akidcalledbeast @BoredApeYC @DeGodsNFT @usecyan @dead_y00ts @sideY00ts

フォロー数:5570 フォロワー数:3627

❓What projects are in on or that has founders and artist working and vibin with the community daily for 18 months?

🙌A slow release mint has been executed perfectly. There is the place to be! 160 dogs remain out of 888.

☄️Come check out this amazing…

22 41

Mfer stole that for 1.25 ETH! Congratulations big home! Bad Dogs don’t play! Let’s fricking go!

4 15

True statement! Don’t underestimate the things that are coming. It’s truly an understatement! Team put in the work and time to show that a slow mint, fire community and continuous engagement makes a difference. We ain’t no flip n dip project like 99% out there.

4 9

🤭Excellent Team
🙏194 Holders
🏆563 ETH Trade Volume
🐳20 Holders with 10+ Dogs(Whale)
⛰️61.15% 3+ Month Hold Time
🌟14 Months since Pound Opened
🎤Holding strong since 02.06.2022

🍖Bones, Mutant and 4k collection coming!

✨Keep the amazing work! BDCO family!✨

13 22

Don’t have to worry that much just need a and you won’t ever regret it! I promise!

8 27

Minting a has never lost me money. Mint has been lower then floor price since Feb 2022. I’m shocked my dogs ain’t hitting us up! Fire art, team, discord, Twitter, merch, mutant, 888 collection then 4K collection, bound in 28 days! Come check us out! If…

9 27

Thank you for a smooth Poker ♦️ God Dog trade! is the place to be! Where is all the community? Some of the most loyal collectors are in the

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