


フォロー数:88 フォロワー数:63

Saw this today.

Very sweet and it made me want to re-read some Peanuts. Check it out if you can.

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People didn't believed, but it happened

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El 10 de DYNAZENON estuvo MUY BUENO.
El estilo, el artstyle, la dirección, los planos. *besito de chef* 👌

El único problema que le encuentro es que estaba apurado a patadas. No dejaron que la melancolía del pasado realmente se asentara y, como consequencia, la lucha....

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Saw Army Of The Dead today.
Liked it a lot. I has a lot of cool stuff with the zombies and their society.
Liked the characters enough, the cinematography is interesting, the pacing and references are neat.

Had a fun time and i recomend it. Hopefully, you have fun too.

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The model update is also godly.

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You ever seen a girl so cute you just started crying?

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