

Sivka | 25 | 2D/3D art | dont repost my art without credit! 🔞: @ko_mink2 Discord server: discord.gg/GsUTwpmuUu

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quick drawing to make sure i can still draw LOL

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still wishing i had patience to make a whole comic/webtoon ;_; i made these last year for practice! in one day LMAO

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canvas too small aksgjhksg

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super late night scribble

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he's got ears now !!! i hated modeling them!!

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i tried to make hair cards :V these r on curves

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original and the edit im so not lookin forward to modeling this mans hair KBJSGISKLHSGK

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nvm actually i work on editing zinpias head instead so i can make a male avi finally :V

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doodle trade w/ litrally the cutest design ever

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tb to this random hot dude i made for a comic attempt

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