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Wednesday is scheduled!

Finally Meiling loading card xD but yeah, going simple for now...

please look forward!

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Next week! Doing a special Gartic Phone stream with guests
Wednesday March 6th - 8PM - PST

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It is wednesday my dudes

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Wednesday is scheduled! yeah - just a continuation of last week... what card did Yachie get?

welp - we shall see...

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Wednesdayを観ました 今更だけど

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First Loading card haha... yeah I guess it will be somewhat random Yachie or Meiling will show up on Wednesdays

So for now, just let me test some waters (pun intended)

Till then, please look forward!

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oh she cringe... pot calling the kettle black? 🤣

for Wednesday

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i ate discount chocolate from christmas and was already bad aah
but wednesday

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Well, Wednesday is scheduled! I have no title card yet because I'm not feeling so good... but important thing - first Dragon Wednesday and it's on Valentine's!

Please look forward!

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(Early in P! will post P stuffs here every wednesday and friday!)

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Meiling makes some special Bao for Valentine's Wednesday!

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Welcoming CNY of the Dragon - and also introducing the new hosts for Wednesday soon!

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-Remember me - Coco - guitar acapella plays int he background-

The Final Bunny Wednesday next Wednesday

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"what a week, huh?"
"elise, it's wednesday"

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"On Wednesday we wear pink"

A little tribute for the two amazingly played characters from ! Charlie in Hazbin Hotel and Cady Heron in the Mean Girls Musical. Please check everything out she did, she is so skilled!😍🩷

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