

Game Publisher of supplemental #dnd content. We make games, write books, and love art! Discord Server: discord.gg/2k35fY9

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You might have what it takes to handle the Vampire Court.... but I doubt it. Awe inspiring art of one of our TPK Monster Groups by Dragolisco (info below). From left to right: Dreadwyrm, Silencer, Shroudling, Elder, Bloodcountess.


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The Velvet Alleys, entertainment district to Nexus: The City of Legends. Part of our upcoming Epic Legacy Campaign Codex, written and designed by RPG experts and , art by

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Psst, don't tell cause he may be sleeping, but we just posted his first GrymmWorld writing assignment!

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The Last Guardian will be appearing in the Epic Legacy Campaign Codex. It looks like this. Taste the painbow.

Fantastic art by

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Bring your friends and their tasty...tasty brains. Coming 2020 to major TTRPG cons near you.

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Hey 2CFam, We have something very special for you today! This week's free patreon post continues our exploration of 's Grymmworld with the setting's unique take on building characters and a STYLIN' WIP cover preview. Check it out here: https://t.co/F6X8mVzkcV

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Hey folks! Tonight at 7PM PST Late Night Soup Society returns with Grant and Ryan. Tonight we discuss the question: What takes higher priority in TTRPGs? The Story? Or Gameplay? Join the conversation over at: https://t.co/Jq5tfRix9Z

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Tonight, On Late Night Soup Society with ! Metagaming, in my TTRPG? We discuss the pros, cons, and take questions from chat. I'm firmly in the "Its not OK" camp, but Grant has made some compelling arguments already. Join us at 7PM PST at https://t.co/Jq5tfRix9Z

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Are you sure about that? Do ships count?

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Our monthly free patreon post is up: The Adventurer's Arsenal. This component based magic item crafting system lets you build over 101 unique magic items (weapons, armors, and staffs) customized to suit your PC's or games needs! Check it out!

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