

A caged bird learning to sing A Lost Story for a Crying planet.
~Magnifying Voices Of Hope10/18/18

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The beautiful thing is we have groups of volunteers how help us raise awareness and we gather with students to clean up beaches and fishermen help out to. The love of many make a difference if we all do our part. We only have one planet to call home. Gen 1:28 doesn't say destroy

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Love this pic. I have sea shells in my bathroom... Living near the beach as a coastal Native is really amazing, now challenging. Visiting the sea shore on my worst day or best day I fill with awe. The shores are polluted now but the memories are saved in my heart, shells& rocks

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Halo Halo
Rainbow Fly
Heart of many
Tears We Cry
Dont Give up
Take in Your Breath
Dont Look Down
Lift Your Heads.
Find The Love Kindness Seeks, Be The Hope4Human Compassion,Faith&Belief. Reach Out Touch Care Hear A Heart Beat, Calm a Cry, Come Laugh w/Me.

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