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[🐭] 한 해 동안 수고 많았어요. 🙇‍♀️
경자년에도 행운이 가득하기를 바라겠습니다.
티끌 모아 태산이 되듯이 2PM 영상이나 커피 한잔이나 등등 사소한 것들이 쌓여서 큰 행복이 되길.
새해 福 많이 받으세요!
Happy Lunar New Year.
May you all find happiness in the small things that surround you.

108 105

[INFO] Jun. K & Taecyeon will feature on Kim Tae Woo's upcoming album 'T-WITH' 👀

557 418

[INFO] JUN. K - Special Album '77-1X3-00' TRACKLIST revealed! https://t.co/hOWs3JjVNJ

2017.01.12 0AM

180 139

[INFO] "Touch the Sky - Chalui" is hitting theaters in Thailand from June 4, 2015! (Nichkhun) http://t.co/vd1w5gyj78

118 38

[🐨] Nichkhun updated his weibo's profile picture! http://t.co/eSoRvXzucs (FA by http://t.co/EaYqwr26Os)

84 53

[Press] 141003 2PM World Tour 'GO CRAZY' in Seoul http://t.co/5XeFU0pTbV

276 151