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DPS Crews taking advantage of this beautiful, sunny day! ☀️😎💪 Painting crosswalks, Repairing inlets, handrails, and streets.

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Spring is near!! 🎉😎🌸 to the DPS Facilities Maintenance Team for preserving our historical City gems like the Probasco Fountain in Clifton!

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In response to the forecast, DPS will begin reporting at 7 p.m. tonight to pretreat local roadways. Crews will work to ensure roadways remain safe and passable for Friday’s morning commute.

Residents are reminded to exercise caution while driving.

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DPS will work throughout the night to ensure safe and passable roadways. We encourage residents to utilize off street parking tonight so crews are able to effectively clear the streets.

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Happy New Year!! 🎆 🎉

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Reminder: Crews will be collecting trash scheduled for Thursday (Thanksgiving) on Friday. Please RT.

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Scheduled trash collection day on Thursdays? No sweat! Crews will be collecting trash scheduled for Thursday (Thanksgiving) on Friday. Please RT.

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Did you know…DPS employees have collected more than 1,516 dead animals since January of 2016!

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. employees will observe on Nov. 24. Trash/Recycling/Yard Waste scheduled for Thurs. will be collected Friday.

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Important Reminder: Trash, recycling & yard waste collection will NOT be affected by Columbus Day. There's NO delay in collection next week.

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