

ENG/中文OK! 日本語少し | currently: blue lock (nagireo) + Tokyo debunker | main: @unbxrthdxys

blsky: 364-unbirthdays

フォロー数:212 フォロワー数:287

Swimsuit/Summer Chacha

7 15

WIP Swimsuit Chacha (fgo)

1 5

"If the super cute and lovely BB-chan wants to hang out with you, you couldn't possibly reject her, right, Senpai♥︎"

Summer BB for Fate/Type Moon Discord Summer Art Contest

2 2

Menou's Revenge (except Mokuren gets revenge faster)

21 57

Okada Izou art as a catalyst for the man himself.

there's only 1 way to draw Izou and that's pulling him his scarf looking to the side

8 16

Salieri because it's hot and he's hot (in both ways)

His fan says "AMADEUS' FAN!" because Amadeus would 100% do that

3 3