

Robot doodlin' & inspo hoardin' | Terminally Tired | Multi-fandom drifting | No comms!

(Not as active on twitter these days - see carrd link!)

フォロー数:716 フォロワー数:3679

Character meme thing! Because sure, why not huh.

A good excuse for like. "Micro study" paintings, it's been a hot minute since I'd painted anything in general. Those are all (mostly) studies from photos.

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Inspired by explodey shenanigans from last night, heehee

29 144

Art train!

Just a doodle dump of random things that I've not really posted anywhere (aside from Discord)

Tagging my peeps

31 119

Absolutely RANDOM idea-tangent sparked yesterday by who was sharing a bunch of epic vintage snowmobile pictures with the squad.

Immediately inspired by the Gilson 440, 10/10, had to drop everything and sketch something silly based on it.

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[ "You are outnumbered by enemy titans. Advise AGGRESSIVE SUSTAINED COUNTER-FIRE" ]

33 129

So many doodles I still need to post....

Anywyas, new TF OC! Hercules, a big ol' bulldozer fella.

More of his story and whatnot over on tumblr because I don't feel like dealing with Twitter's word count limit:

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It’s the Best Titan!!

Revisiting some old favorites these past couple days.

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A lil sketch based on 's "fantasy-AU" Windblade. Brain saw that, went "CROW GRIFF CROW GRIFF" and would not stop chanting until it was doodled....

Anyways, could totally be a Beast Wars alt or somethin!

29 118

Been watching a lot of stuff about jet engines...

[ And aero in general. Been finding lots of great youtube rabbitholes to go down lately! ]

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