


フォロー数:305 フォロワー数:81

Good character, the only complaint is 0 guts tbh.
She's paper thin, playing her makes ME have heart attacks instead. Currently lower-mid tier I feel.
Mocchi said she's totally gonna get buffed in winter patch, will full confidence.
We shall see.

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Sadge x2. Oh, carry on.
Millia is a good character, but her interaction with system mechanics and the cast around her makes her weak by context, which is extra sad.
I'm not sure how to make her good but not war crime, the meter gain and risc gain is...so, so painful.

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Power level unknown but I'm feeling upper/mid tier.
Real fun character, also easy. Highly recommend for new players. Know overhead RRC route and 2S, ch elk conversion in neutral is enough to get you to 6f.
I can't see the overhead, menace.
Maybe hurtbox and food change?

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Sadge. Be strong Anji bros.
Need help in winter patch. Have to play patient in current patch, rely on mind games ala lack consistent reward.
I'm not gonna ask too much since Anji can be war crime with little buffs, can we have charged fujin launch and kou hard kd back?

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The true standard character as of now.
Probably winter patch should balance like them.
2 step gameplan is like a mini-game, interesting to play. Consistency greatly improved at current patch, also blasting meter for super feels good.
Actually keep the same.

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Honest upper-mid tier.
Got sauce in current patch, jd route and 6H route fun+cool, straight forward gameplan, stable, highly recommend for new players.
Not much I want to change, but I wonder how he would fair if stun dipper works like bandit revolver.

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Day 1 main on launch.
Current top tier, broken.
I play more calmly and try not to bloodrage at all, still quite fun, thank god.
Got buffed somehow through patches.
Should be hit. Maybe nerf 5K, chip, fsss blood recovery, commad grab life recovery.

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Hard to pick characters similiar to me tbh
Daiba Nana -- Similiar life experience, almost exactly me when I was a student
Minami Haruka -- My friends call me Haruka, I never quite get why
Madeline -- Similiar mental health struggles
Hisame Shizumaru -- Similiar inner demon issues https://t.co/zlexclIBLa

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