

Healthcare worker,
Published poet, Animals, Reader, Gamer, Crafter🧵 Travel, Photography, Autumn, Coffee. Mammy to Logan~Kal 💙
Engaged to my @antoluke616 ❤

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These 3 are going super cheap on atm... if anyone is interested... 😊

I've heard great things about them all so I bought them, €3.30 for all 3! I already own a copy of children of blood and bone but I prefer kindle now.

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The games that I'm really looking forward to playing this year are stacking up lol 😋 I cannot wait for to actually play for the first time! And then I've got and already

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I haven't played my Wii U in a while but the last two games I was playing were these two! I need to get back to them ☺️

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Old people (myself and ) shouldn't be allowed new phones... I'm addicted now. I had my S5 for far too long 😂

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Percy jackson books 4 and 5 and the wonderful wizard of oz 😄

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