

Nicole, They/Them; 28 - Found greener pastures! (See pinned tweet)
Game account at @neon_coroola
Me Husband: @r_ohlin_in_it

フォロー数:292 フォロワー数:304

Man CSP is great. Seriously, I was able to do this in like, under 2 hours. I think this will be the last warm up I do before I get back to serious work.

Since I did River, I also did Ipswitch! Clefable Witch who's vibe is Tanahi crossed with Ms. Frizzle.

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*Electric Songbird*

I normally draw River as a Milotic/Feebas but I also like Porygon-Z for her. I might play around more with this design but I think I'm on the right track!

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I'm probably going to redo Mercedes but I am happy with the outfit! It's just that the pose didn't turn out like I wanted it to

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Working on an FE3H Pokemon AU...here we go boys we're getting deep

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Oh no I'm making *line art*

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I practiced more painting with Clip Studio! I'm starting to get the hang of it. And I did it by drawing fanart oh my god.

The Trauma Center/Trauma Team series is a guilty pleasure of mine and Naomi's segments are my favorite part of Trauma Team.

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tagged by !! What an amazing surprise, thank you!!
I'm N.Vee, I go by Vee or Nicole to most! My day job is related to social work, but I love to draw on the side. One day I want to write a web comic about love and anxiety. I also RP quite a bit!

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Commission for !! Thank you so much for commissioning me again!!! I loved doing the butterfly effects and the lighting. I think it turned out so well~ It's one of my fave completed orders!!

My commissions are still open, and I have 2 slots free at this time!!

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I drew some friends' pokemon OCs as animal crossing villagers~ Sceptile named Annie is mine. Claydol named Midas belongs to sir not appearing on this website (dizzyrin on tumblr), Litwik named Rhys belongs to and Zoroark named Zack belongs to

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I am re-framing 2020 not as a shitty year but as a challenge, and I will beat you 2020. I am at my limit

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