

33 || Expect to see Fate, Pokemon, Disgaea and other stuff || Retweets may be 🔞

フォロー数:1947 フォロワー数:313

I really enjoy this aesthetic

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Nobukatsu soon

I want that twink annihilated, obliterated and destroyed.
I want that twink 500% chance to sacrifice self [demerit]

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Summer BB eternal best summer servant. Faceless Moon is extremely fun and extremely broken, but also it's BB https://t.co/WEWHeg96BI

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I hope Osakabehime gets a buff considering Summer Skadi seems to really be creeping on her niche

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Very fair. FGO has way too many good ones to list in one tweet really

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Excellent taste, but you forgot something very important

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Now imagine if this is what Jack wore

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