swag meister 5000さんのプロフィール画像

swag meister 5000さんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:38 フォロワー数:15

Vibed to sand planet for a whole ass hour whats good

18 226


OH did i ever post this lmao

0 12

Amyways thinking abt how smone said theyd call techno by the blade when they wr gonna use him as a weapon, dehumanizing him, while phil only ever calls techno, techno,, and calls him the blade jokingly,,,,, brb gonna cry and do my assignments also dam my stamina died QUICK LMAO

0 4

Fuck i frgot i delwtwd a bunch shit

0 2

Scrwaksbg first schlatt and techno drawing too bc fuck it what ever why not

0 2

Fuck it old techno art here we go

1 9

I do not think goodevenijg mothers and fuckers i will now pass out

0 1

Hey girl,,,,
((Wh at th sfuxk r the tags ive never postwd art om twittwr fuxkxuxixu))

1 37