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@0x1d9 @coodles_nft @DeepEnemy WHERES ALL MY COODLES AT MEOW MEOW #2835 BIIG PUUR here! #famousfacts #coodles #nftCOMMUNITY not #nftCOMMUNITIES
@gucci1017 @coodles_nft @0x1d9 @1YoungTakeoff @MeekMill @DezBryant @SnoopDogg #coodles #nft #metaverse #metaversemackin #manifestingmy2022 #famousfacts #2835 BIG PUURR #2836 ALL ACTION NO TALK 🍤 in a 🐳🌎 but with a 🐳❤️
@0x1d9 CALLING ALL COODLES!#2835 #2836 #famousfacts #allactionnotalk BIG PUURRRR #shrimpwithawhalesheart 🍤🐳 SHOUT OUT @BobAmorMusic from my @YungApeSquad sister cause hes my #findmyapedad #yape #6944 #BAYC #7113 @gucci1017 bigburrrr #metaversemackin @SnoopDogg @coodles_nft
Im flying someone out to hawaii by Q3 2022 off NFTS #ManifestingIn2022 RT this now for your spot !! ill come back to this tweet i promise #BAYC an #MAYC coming very very soon STAY FOCUSED!!!! check out @yungapesquad @yungapesales MY YAPE SEE FUTURE!!! VR VISION BABYY!! #6944