

DC comics • Attack on Titan • Chainsaw Man • The Boys • Invincible • Breaking Bad/BCS • LoTR • GoT/HotD • Dune • Daredevil • Arcane • Stranger Things • TLoU

フォロー数:922 フォロワー数:14617

made its debut 25 years ago today.

177 371

Can you see him? 👋🏼

57 138

We don't deserve you, Alfred

564 1001

These paintings are so gorgeous.
Artist: Houston Sharp

344 562

I can't wait to see as Iris West

149 346

The first time Wally met The Batman.

211 339

A reminder that Antje Traue was perfect as Faora-Ul

67 194

Yeah, I think broke me.

338 368