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Katia is Waiting by Pronin

"it's your turn now"
Little collab I made with a friend.

ink by
color by me

check his half of the collab at https://t.co/rsZEK7iuWM

13 161

I haven't uploaded Eve in a bit. lets fix that

She does have a mouth, she just doesn't like showing it due low selfesteem, but if Eve feels safe. she forgets to hide it.
Just don't let Her know that you like her smile, or else she will go right back into her shell with red face

17 183



last week Caturday thingy.
it looks so similar to another request, I swear I didn't noticed it until I had already drawn it.

21 215

You never forget your first costumer in this business they say.

continuation of the last NitW pic i did not long ago.

commissioned by thes same anonymous guy/gal .

45 341

hElp... pLeaSe...

8 105

my job is done, i can finally quit

7 125

Just drew because I noticed that I won the internet some days ago. I love you

26 264

Dedicated to that anon from /trash/ from a week ago

57 378