

eureu / charlotte | 21 | they / xe | lesbian | ND | proship DNI | personal: @polkamokachika (17+)

フォロー数:260 フォロワー数:162

do you think they would kiss

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5. Chloris

A Color ranked fixer who keeps her identity hidden from others, while ruthless during her work, in person she's a kind woman, doing her best to treat others with the kindness she was deprived as a child. She's a survivor of the Verinhund Syndicate.

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4. Yoruko

A manifestation of Yamiyo's attachment issues, and previous affections. She maintains a seemingly perpetual smile, and has a strong attachment to the Distortion that killed everyone in her previous timeline, and is unable to process death.

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3. Yamiyo

A Katya from an alternate timeline who watched her friends and family die at the hands of a Distortion. She does her best to remain cold and distant, but she's still unstable, and breaks down occasionally- leading to disaster.

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2. Summer

A man who does his best to look after his teammates. For a long period of time he (according to himself) "lacked emotion" and avoided genuine connections with anyone. While now acting kind, he was once a bitter and violent child who only cared for his sister.

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1. Katya!

An extremely traumatized girl who despite being 22 is stunted so badly that she has the mindset / literal physical body of a child. She's sweet and she puts others wellbeing ahead of herself. More than anything else she loves her family, especially her "big brother".

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