McMeshi Watcher @ Home 🍽️さんのプロフィール画像

McMeshi Watcher @ Home 🍽️さんのイラストまとめ

hi!! im 5ci/Mag, a 27 y/o slime man. i play FFXIV & GW2. dunmeshi(beware manga spoilers) DC & transformers are my passions. just like my 500 anime husbands

フォロー数:507 フォロワー数:599

hate these bitches

[squeezes them one in each hand until they pop]

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uhhhhh something something gay rights!! something something

-5ci Guy

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very quick birthday doodle bc i have work but



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i don’t really like this art BUT. itll work for now bc i can at least show people what my barb looks like lol

he used to have a name but i forget what it was beyond starting w/ an H bc i didn’t like it lol. i’ll fix that someday

also might rework his scars a bit later

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sending everyone who cried big time about them ruining RSE tabithas design w/ ORAS when he looked nearly identical to the generic male grunt minus a cape and striped pants before directly to the shadow realm

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oh yeah i waited to post this at a time where people are awake but look at this SUPER CUTE COMMISSION I GOT OF DIAMOND AND RUBY WAHHH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 (by the wonderful @/natsumeoww!)

diamond is my boy of course, ruby belongs to simon

im so happy wehhhh LOOK AT THEM

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a young kid just walked by with this among us shirt and i love how simple it is

no bells no whistles, not even any text. just white t shirt with amogus bean

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also did another one yesterday that was like

middle school you vs current you and. lol. i’m much more tired now but happier, somehow. also i got a sense of style and my hair is usually less shitty (tho it’s grown out rly bad right now)

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been seeing this meme around a few times that’s like.

you vs ur favorite character (it said comfort character but i really don’t understand the concept of that lol)

but i get shy QRTING random people so.!!! me... and the boys

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AS PROMISED, IM DOING THIS AGAIN LOL. sorry for more spam. there will be less questions this time

Its Virgil! your average reliable hard working man who doesnt know how to process emotions. also a superhero. he is super cringe & i think about him too much

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