

フォロー数:1776 フォロワー数:316

Old pics. Guess which fic

11 32

Old dragon Hux pics. Yes dragon Hux all the way

33 100

Old pics
Ah how I wish to know the ending of this story.

34 65

The life after death of Ben Solo

16 62

Hell Is... Extra: Patrol

How are you so skittish? You were a Stormtrooper!

In which a radar technician doesn't understand mental trauma.

(Did canon ever mention if conditioning was chemical too? Have the image of Hux's entire gang suffering withdrawal along the trip.)

26 78

Fun to draw in different ways, and a favorite fairy tale.

(Both from a while ago. RL sucks. 😷☔️)

41 97

Hell Is... Skywalker

"What are you doing here, Ben?”

“Sight-seeing. Visiting places I’ve never been, getting to know people I’ve never paid proper attention to while alive.” Technically the truth, don’t slip, don’t let her notice. “What are you doing here, Rey?”

17 65

Day 6: Supernatural

The Lord Arkanis (who would have been a kitchen boy if not for some strange and sudden turns of fortune) has a prized bottle.

38 107

Hell Is... Obligatory Nonsense Dress Up Episode

Step 1: Sell fish
Step 2: Acquire clothes from thrift store
Step 3: P̷r̷o̷f̷i̷t̷ We are broke again

B: Why did you get that cane?
H: I’ll soon be able to use it. And it conceals such a handsome blade.
B: ???

27 85

Red Riding Hood (watercolor paper test)

this paper really curls, and I don't think I've used that much water. Or did I?

20 46