Silver Spectre🌙🎱さんのプロフィール画像

Silver Spectre🌙🎱さんのイラストまとめ

I didn't want to be the guy everyone thought I was anymore.

フォロー数:358 フォロワー数:791

Ms.Marvel & Moon Knight spoilers

I think one of the more interesting ideas presented in this issue is that MK and HM glow brighter the closer Khonshu or his influence is to them, and that wears off a bit after he leaves

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I absolutely loved this moment in Sword of Azrael but I couldn't help thinking of this 😭

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Moon Knight spoilers

This line was honestly so gut wrenching, even after all these years Marc still feels discarded and lesser than his alters, bro really just needs a hug

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Moon knight: Black, White, & Blood 2 spoilers

This was the saddest part of the issue for me, Jeff suffered a fate far worse than he deserved and became an unrecognizable monster by the end of his story

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Loving this direction of having the alters on the covers

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Both Moon Knight assembled and Moon Knight 11 are coming out tomorrow, I love it when things like this line up

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Moon knight:BW&B spoilers

I love Redblades whole existence
-shows up out of nowhere
-blows up MK's car
-"I've wanted a piece of you for a while now"
-refuses to elaborate
-gets beat up

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