

from china_(:_」∠)_can speak English,日本語本当に苦手★I love Foxxxxxxx🦊 原神 ZhongChi🐉🦊AyaThoma🌊🐶cynonari🐺🦊twst♥️♠️(?)

フォロー数:209 フォロワー数:17945

Broke Ayato's favorite vase!
🦊:Thoma,That will be punished!
🦊:Why me still shoud wear it!

*A little Zhongchi

46 266

Tarta fox🦊
in Zhongli’s home🏠
“Bad People!Let me go!”
“…He is not so bad…”

177 1001

Tara and Thoma(续)
It is cold outside(>人<;)
Let us in warmmm home
Zhongli & Ayato:(¯﹃¯)

50 346

Little Fox Tarta 🦊
and Little Puppy Thoma 🐶
live in the forest
They Love sweep the leaves
And use them bake sweet potatos
Oh my God!
Who Catch the Little fox…?!
Watch out!Puppy!

(A little ayato(?)thoma)(?)

179 779

Tarta:Let me wear something…
Zhongli:Ok,get it

100 794