The Mad ArchFiend of Shimanoさんのプロフィール画像

The Mad ArchFiend of Shimanoさんのイラストまとめ

“Do art thou wilt in the name of the Law” #IStandwithVic #Lovecraft Comics/Manga/Getter-1/Darkstalkers

フォロー数:3244 フォロワー数:681

Can someone explain WTF is a Hackivist??

If this new self insert that Jonathan Kent was a reporter fine, but from what I’m seeing with guy is basically like every dick riding journalist that panders..

Well his hair does speak for itself..

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Maybe because it wasn’t until Son of Kal-El that he showed feelings for men…

If it was earlier I wouldn’t have mind hell he had a thing going with Saturn Girl, where now he’s all of a sudden until a pink haired YouTuber.

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Won’t be long…

Diana, Peter quill, Logan/Scott,
/Jean, Iceman, Tim, and Jon…

Pandering at its finest…

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So let me get this straight because we had Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Black Bolt, Reed Richards, Namor, and Professor X the founding members/ leaders of their groups…

How is the MCU is gonna pull it off with 1 dead, 4 that haven’t been introduced in the MCU, and 1 alive for now

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I’m hoping that this is Laura Lane Kent and not Kara Zor El, I would accept if it’s Superman’s daughter than her cousin…

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I see because if Marvel: Dark Ages people on this site really loves to call X-23 Wolverine when she has her own name “Talon” that people seem too dumb to remember.

It Shows how lazy Marvel is by turning a character who wanted to be more than a Wolverine clone becomes said clone.

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I want Rogue to beat Captain Marvel up so bad and take her powers like last time…

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