

Developer by day - Defender of justice by night. ❤️
Retired MM fan, but stopped when Cheritz started using gAI.
Connector of People.
#DataRights #PrivacyMatters

フォロー数:921 フォロワー数:466

Donut forget safety first when going swimming.

6 22

Jumin: Yoosung I want to hire you because I see great potential in you.
707: When can I start?

5 6

I happily forgot about Wild Thornberry's editing phase.

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<|Terrible Crackedits |>
So I made some terrible edits over the years and thought the best way to share them was to attach them to a long tweet chain. All of these are done with humourous intend and little thought.

All images belong to Cheritz.

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This is what you guys wanted, right?
V kissing V?

1 4

After rePlaying Ray’s after ending for the 4th tIme I've finaLly drunk the Koolaid Sevenstar Drink and seen the light. Baseless romantic inFatuations with absOlutely nO merit is the way to go. I hereby renounce my Yooseven fangirL-Ship and join the boat called Yooran.

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