Tara (aka Rabbit, 72stars)さんのプロフィール画像

Tara (aka Rabbit, 72stars)さんのイラストまとめ

terrible at replying to things, apologies in advance. she or they, either way. please do not repost any of my art (incl. using as your icon/header), thank you

フォロー数:160 フォロワー数:1537

[cw blood, attempted eye gouging, character death] (3/3)

0 17

[cw blood, attempted eye gouging] (2/3)

0 14

[The Last Ronin spoilers] you okay there, Donnie? (break doodle)

24 110

felt like doing non-digital art and haven't used my copics in like... over a year, probably? and my poor old Cool Gray didn't make it all the way through the first image 🥺 you served well, favorite shading marker

anyway First & Last and a happy Raph

15 73

[Last Ronin spoilers] turtle fashion turtle fashion! (I had a theory TLR Donnie only wears his mask if he's going into a situation expecting a fight, I guess this could confirm? just going into hypothetical peace talks thinking only of escape routes and murder)

24 87

too tired to focus on anything useful, draws sleepy teeny turtle piles

43 235

break doodle of Last Ronin Donnie: casual/non-flight suit edition with the 1990 movie hat, just 'cause I wanted to draw him with the straw hat (I guess I could've drawn him in the flight suit with the hat? but eh)

24 122

takes break from storyboards to doodle chibi turtles (+rat dad) in yukata (looking at it now Leo, Donnie, & Splinter wound up too tall but I don't feel like fussing with it anymore so)

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