Tara (aka Rabbit, 72stars)さんのプロフィール画像

Tara (aka Rabbit, 72stars)さんのイラストまとめ

terrible at replying to things, apologies in advance. she or they, either way. please do not repost any of my art (incl. using as your icon/header), thank you

フォロー数:160 フォロワー数:1532

finished the Golden Deer route a few days ago! meant to draw something for it, but wasn’t happy with anything I tried to draw for it, so in the end have a chibi lineup of my final battle party (minus adjutants Leonie, Raphael, and Sylvain) in modern clothes because I gave up

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[Fire Emblem: Three Houses spoilers?] takes break from meandering my way through 3H (still on my first run while seemingly everyone else is on their 2nd, lol orz) to draw: rough idea of two variants of a headcanon post-timeskip look for my main/Deer Byleth, Claude, and my OT4

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Fire Emblem: Three Houses doodles, with dancer older Claude again (canon design (aside from colors, probably) edition) and a little info card for my first run, most of it dedicated to reminding me of stats & etc.

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Fire Emblem: Three Houses, f!Byleth and my headcanon teaching outfit for her, Claude as a dancer (outfit a mix of FEH’s dancer!Inigo’s and 3H’s f!dancer outfit since we don’t know what the dudes’ look like), and Claude teaching the teacher and trying to teach Byleth how to ride

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Fire Emblem: Three Houses doodles, Claude hanging out with the students I’m most likely to recruit my first run, doing things they like (studying with Petra, cooking with Ashe, and sword practice with Felix) because I thought it’d be cute and Claude should have all the friends

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what do you mean there are characters in this game besides Claude and characters in Claude’s general vicinity

(I mean to draw other characters, but then I just... draw more Claude, lol. oh well, at least I’m drawing and posting regularly again?)

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more Fire Emblem: Three Houses doodles, with older Claude reflecting on/studying a map, and younger Claude sparring with a recruited Felix. ...I have no idea how to draw sparring

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Fire Emblem: Three Houses doodles, with unsuccessful and successful attempts by f!Byleth and Claude at cooking, and dancer!f!Byleth

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was contemplating what Felix might be like when recruited into the other houses and ran with the idea that he’d at least partially transfer his rivalry with Dimitri to his new house leader, and that Claude wouldn’t particularly appreciate this. he just wants to study, Felix!!

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also a doodle of older Claude as the hero class because I've been considering it for him

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