Tara (aka Rabbit, 72stars)さんのプロフィール画像

Tara (aka Rabbit, 72stars)さんのイラストまとめ

terrible at replying to things, apologies in advance. she or they, either way. please do not repost any of my art (incl. using as your icon/header), thank you

フォロー数:160 フォロワー数:1537

TMNT: Heart doodles, Leo & Raph, + Lavinia with a bira-bira kanzashi 'cause I've been thinking about drawing her with one since I gave her Neon self a different kind of kanzashi, + her brothers with kanzashi because may as well, really

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I drew the Last Ronin & Rise Donnies together sooner than I'd planned. headgear swap! (I remembered the belt buckle glow this time)

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TMNT: Heart, most current versions of Leo & Raph's designs in their mission gear, which they'll be wearing in the conversation practice scene I'm writing atm (need to edit later to add Raph's teeth though so I can remember how they're messed up) + doodle as a rough comic palette

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warmup doodle I spent too much time on, Last Ronin flashback 2 Leo giving flashback 1 Raph a piggyback ride in a demonstration of how I plan to pose the toys because it's what Raph deserves

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warmup doodle, TMNT 2023 concept art Raph

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warmup doodle, TMNT: Hardshell Raph and an onibi

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went to draw a design for TMNT: Neon's Shredder as a warmup, remembered I had an uncolored set of sketches from before I went with a cartoonier style for the idea and colored them, then drew and colored a 2nd pass, then started roughing out a key image and... yeah. "warmup" lol

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[Rise of the TMNT movie spoilers] doodles of movie Raph as I continue to try to get his new scars correct and future Leo because screams externally and also because taking the Raph-Leo parallels/two sides of the same coin thing to new levels, huh

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self-distraction doodle, Rise of the TMNT movie Raph

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TMNT: Hardshell, rough designs for some of the neighborhood kids the turtles befriend (incl. a drawing I started then gave up on when I realized the timeline didn't work - by the time they have enough friends for baseball Mikey'd be taller and out of "smol bean" mode. oh well)

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