

19 | he/she/they | I like to draw | I like to play guitar | Creator of BALLSQUAKE | Rip Shmeelio | @RinsTwit…

フォロー数:414 フォロワー数:998

We'll never know they didn't finish drawing it

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Care to some of that red wine? 😋

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DOOM mod WIP 5, IDK if I like the arm enough, what're your guys' thoughts? This isn't gonna be the only arm sprite BTW

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MF DOOM mod WIP 3, I added a hand and fixed layer management, I made every piece of him a different layer so the spriting process is easier

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To what, the mirror? Sick ass MF maybe if you weren't so slimy you could get some friends and stop being a sad excuse of a human being

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I have finished this drawing and would like to experiment more with digital :)

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