

Something interesting I guess

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At this point you can’t even praise the wells run for being grounded at all it hasn’t been fully grounded since the first story
I still genuinely don’t know what’s peoples big takeaway to love this run
I’ve seen more casual people hate this more than the Slott run

10 76

You could genuinely tell Spencer had a lot of fun with Spider-Man before the Kindred story took full effect https://t.co/4g57sGU2Ic

44 328

No one talks about this story in Spencers run but I really do love
Breaking News
Was a fun story that commentated fully on JJJ and Peter’s relationship and how they’re both at fault

67 448

The big question for the future of Ben Reilly is
will he be back to normal by the time Across the Spider-Verse comes out, or does Nick Lowe really hate the character so much to ignore easy sales for movie synergy

39 234

Y’all are never escaping the know 3 devs allegations

21 178

Ben Reilly and Wally West are in the same boat on how they shouldn’t go back to their past personas and embrace being The Flash and Spider-Man

7 77