

Twitter Art Archivist
Oldest Gamer in this infinity and beyond
Certified smartest Himbo on the internet.

I am never wrong, but I'm still a degenerate ;)

フォロー数:78 フォロワー数:219

Yeeeessss fam: This is perfect, and fuck Gordon for ruining Ivy's last wedding.

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Let's take everyone's favourite smokeshow for ex. - Despite being a genius and a badass billionaire who can throw hands with the Avatar, Asami is turned into a sexy lampost in S2 despite having an interesting setup of conflicts: save her company and her father's loss.

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Happy Tuesgay! it's been a while, so I thought I'd post Artemis, the ancient Greek moon deity for all my Ace friends out there 🌚 🌝 🏹

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I think you need to add Hunter to the list:

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You're asking it the wrong way. Try this next time.

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Don't think of it like Shaggy. Think of it like....

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Vitally important question: Does Charmander count as a redhead?

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