8BitRae(Meowskulls irl)🏳️‍⚧️さんのプロフィール画像

8BitRae(Meowskulls irl)🏳️‍⚧️さんのイラストまとめ

-pfp by @137syou
-banner by @Star_Wyse
-creator of totally popular Center of Gravity Sonic AU
-💖@HeyItsMeGoG 💖

フォロー数:1856 フォロワー数:1775

This thread will be (hopefully) ever single piece of art made for me. I've been here for almost a year and everyone keeps supporting me. It's really nice of you guys too ;~; I'll credit all the artists at the end of the thread

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This is a skin concept made by the talented that I decided to draw! You should go follow them they are really good!

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400 follower art raffle!

3 winners will receive 1 full body drawing each! Rules are simple:

-retweet this post

-follow me (new followers always welcome ^^)

The raffle will end on February 9! Examples below! Good luck :D

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Vi dark edit style concept!

Honestly was surprised when we didn't get this as one so I made my own!

2 15

"The last of the fox clan"

After 3 and a half hours of drawing I finally finished Vi!

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This is some art if skin concept: "Gate" I rly like it so I decided to draw it for him!

3 15

I don't really do much, i just draw and make pixel art :D

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"Hey hey hey! I'm Catalyst! And the world is destabilizing fast!"

This took me 3 hours and I regret none of it

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6 hours. 1 reference to go off of. 0 tracing.

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you: Jojo style of hope you like it dude! I will never do something as crazy as this again lmao.

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"Nebula Moon"

A style concept based on the amazing moon concept by

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