

24 ( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ ) ur girls got a healthy layer of slime GOTDAMN LESBIAN

フォロー数:265 フォロワー数:130

spoilers for hello charlotte episode 2

i lov her oracle form so much but wish i didnt have to come to that ;w; im excited to play delirium and ep 3

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Chara's hiding in the bushes again

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any1 wanna take a uhhh $30? icon commission? would like a shmoney pls :3c

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am an autistic lesbian that DOESNT trace !!! i love ace attorney, ut/dr, kirby, my ocs, AND my comms are open _(:3 」∠)_

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i very much like to illustrate my dreams and the characters that appear in them

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hi im a lesbian that mostly makes art about dissociating but recently been getting into fanart and drawing out dreams/nightmares
_(:3 」∠)_
i also love frogs

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:(( hope you feel better 6utt stay safe and rested

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mayas always here to help me with artblock ;w;

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this is some of my fav stuff but rn im focusing on practicing animation :3

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hi im a lesbian that explores my feelings of dissociating through art. im also in the beginnings of making a video game about the characters shown in the first two images :3c

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