

닌텐도 계열 게임과 잡다한 그림 그리는 걸 좋아합니다.
I like drawing and nintendo games.

フォロー数:1337 フォロワー数:197

Kirby series's couple&combi illustration series 1 - Kirby & Ribbon!!

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I drew fanart for 'Roco the rockgirl', and this character is owned by sulfer-kokegitsune !!
She is so adorable and cute..... 
Some of the detailed designs were refer in the Super Smash Brothers version megaman!

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King dedede imitated Goomba storm in 'bowser's inside story'. He replaced Waddle dee storm!!!

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DNN.006 'Beast Girl'!!
- She have beast transform system and beast power system. Special weapon is 'Beast scratch'.
Nipponichi 2D action game & megaman collaboration fanart!!!
'嘘つき姫と盲目王子' princess's mega man style!!

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DNN.005 'Dark Girl'!!
- She is only spirit hunter robot. Her character is unstable. Special weapon is 'Dark bomb'.
Nipponichi 2D action game & megaman collaboration fanart!!!
'深夜廻' Yui's mega man style!!

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더빙걸님과 반려묘 리리를 팬아트로 그려봤습니다~!!!

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DNN.004 'Sever Girl'!!
- She is cutting and spirit hunter robot. left arm was replaced by some sort of accident. Special weapon is 'Grand Cutter'.
Nipponichi 2D action game & megaman collaboration fanart!!!
'深夜廻' Haru's mega man style!!

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DNN.003 'Rose Girl'!!
- She inherited the power of thorn trees found in old castles. Special weapon is 'Count slow'.
Nipponichi 2D action game & megaman collaboration fanart!!!
'ロゼと黄昏の古城'- Rose's mega man style!!

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DNN.001 'Fly Girl'!!
-collapse site search and rescue robot. Special weapon is 'Fly chaser'
Nipponichi 2d action games & megaman collaboration fanart!!!
'htoL#NiQ:ホタルノニッキ'- Mion's mega man style!!

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