

Animator, Illustrator.
Likes cute art, beware more cute art in your feed.
May post clips from Monster Hunter or Splatoon.

フォロー数:136 フォロワー数:108

Did..did you ask for platelet loli?? You didn't? Have a platelet loli...

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Ever wonder what it would be like if Daisy got into Smash finally? Well I did... again.. and so I did an art.... Again!


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Summer time means AICA gets her tan!


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My little AICA's birthday is coming up and so we start the art a tad early with this one of her and Yami overlooking the beach!


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Finally another AICA art after what felt like forever!


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Watch this cozy love get the art done!


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Winter art coming! Slowly, but it's coming!

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Late to post this but Happy Halloween all!

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First time streaming over at and this is what I do! Kinda don't know how to be part of the Twitch Creative thingy or does it matter?

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Thanks for being the reason I came back to twitter after forgetting about it for 2 years !!

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