A Canvas a Dayさんのプロフィール画像

A Canvas a Dayさんのイラストまとめ

I'm Jill. I create! Undertook a year long project to create a canvas a day. acanvasaday.wordpress.com #Fibromyalgia #RheumatoidArthritis #MHHSBD

フォロー数:4942 フォロワー数:8388

Today's alphabet challenge from is 'X'.
eXcellent downloads - ok, so I'm cheating slightly!
Unique artwork, drawn by me!

27 25

For someone who prides themselves on 'their' spelling, I'm ashamed to notice I have put on several tweets this morning with 'thier' instead of 'their'! For this I humbly apologise! 🤣

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To all of my regular followers, retweeters, commenters, tweeters, and purchasers - a massive thank you! And to the friends I've made in the friendship groups - you're the best!

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Got more antibiotics yesterday, seems I have a sinus infection, right after the ear infection! Feel dreadfully sick and have vertigo! Think I'm gonna be quiet for a bit! 💕

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Good morning
My handsewn animal keyrings make great stocking fillers for the kids! (Big or small)!

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Today's challenge from is to explain what we do to relax! I very rarely relax, always on the go but my art is always my relaxation tool! Work or otherwise! I love doodling & doing very detailed artwork!

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