

Forever a kid with a terrible habit to make lame jokes. Lots of anime. FGO/GBF/Genshin. Wrestling. Kongou's Admiral. The only Kanzaki Kaori fan. #S04

フォロー数:743 フォロワー数:18923

All I see is Katalina in that knight character from Tales of Arise.

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Since I have time again now I will continue with my Tomozaki-kun read. Volume 3 now.

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Oh no. Heavy damage to the USS Iowa!

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Makinami is great. But I love most of Fujikawa‘s ships so.

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Michiru from Grisaia has become a shipgirl. >.<

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My face when Kamachi is going to use Kanzaki, one of the world‘s fewer than 20 Saints, as a punching bag to put over our new villain-of-the-day again.

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