

I'm another talent-less VTuber who puts gaming footage on the internet! I mean... I have the best gaming content on Twitch!
@afarcryaway on BSky

フォロー数:982 フォロワー数:258

I'm not complaining but the fact that most "New and Trending" games on my Steam store page are literally hentai games is equal parts disturbing and amusing.

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This is almost more insulting than the EA "Pride and Accomplishment" Reddit post

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Any chance of an Angry Rant on Activision making the Spec Ops Survival Mode a PS4 exclusive for a whole year and comments made about how this mode is only 1% of the total game?

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I'm conflicted on the MW Beta. I really love the changes to the formula and the increased tactical play. However it really does feel like a bastardization of an arena shooter and tactical shooter. It's like Sandstorm minus going all out on the realism aspects. It feels odd.

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Get Cucked by Colonel Sanders

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I love seeing people on Twitter present a very poor take on an issue, get backlash for it from a community, and then pretend like they just fought this exhausting war against an angry mob and won. Nope, you've just made a fool out of yourself and now everyone is laughing at you.

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My mom got drunk, went on my PS4 to watch Netflix, somehow ended up buying Horizon Zero Dawn while looking for Netflix, I asked her about this purchase in a joking manner, she got mad at ME for some reason... This is my life. SMH

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This picture remind me of Alex from Totally Spies xD

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