

I'm another talent-less VTuber who puts gaming footage on the internet! I mean... I have the best gaming content on Twitch!

フォロー数:936 フォロワー数:258

Fire Emblem 3 Houses is cool because during one of the fights that was NOT going my way, one of the characters suddenly hit a very important critical attack. I thought, "NOW THAT'S MY STUDENT!"

Seriously, there are not many games that get me This into the role playing

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I've never watched a minute of Owl House in my life but I have been watching lots of Tenchi Muyo... is there a connection here or am I way off? xD

PS: Watch Tenchi Muyo

PSS: Is Owl House worth watching?

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Crazy that two of the best games of 2021 for me were on Switch! I thought I wouldn't get much use out of the console as a PC gamer primarily but Metroid Dread and Monster Hunter Rise proved otherwise. It's been a very pleasant experience playing them anywhere in the house.

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Final Fantasy 13 actually is great once you understand the terminology. It plays like FF7 Remake but minus the action combat (instead you get the Paradigm shifts). The soundtrack is incredible, and the characters (whilst being hit or miss at times writing wise) are memorable!

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The sudden realization that I played Halo CE on the original Xbox, renting it from Blockbuster during it's launch week over 20 years ago...

It sometimes feels like yesterday. I've changed a lot since then, but so much is still the same about me, including how much I love Halo

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Next Gaijinhunter tweet is him with a Soul Sacrifice full sleeve tattoo featuring Similia saying "Don't ask... again" xD

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Imagine doing a collab with Razer and not having best boi Razor plastered all over the merch

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Put 4 hours into Aragami 2 in coop. It's certainly a good game, but it's not the Great game that I was expecting the sequel to be. Many mechanics from the first have been almost completely ditched, but it makes up for it somewhat by increasing the speed of the gameplay overall.

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I just saw a random game on Steam, thought it was a cool mix between classic SMT styled dungeon crawling with a Fate artstyle based on screenshots...

*sees publisher is Kagura Games*

Turns out it was a hentai game


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