


Local angry lady, making some bitching costumes rn, generally doesn't like lights. catpilled

フォロー数:744 フォロワー数:300

this is my wholesome gremlin child, enjoy looking at him

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Realised I'm a dipshit and never posted the newest addition to the family, this is my newest table top character in the making. His name is drakal he's a big softy and has a ghost wolf as a pet, that is all.

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have a dumbass cheese, he's innocent so forgive him for his happiness

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thought I'd bring forward this wonderful piece done by the wonderful cheese head I tagged above, I can't thank you enough and I absolutely adore the wonderful gift you've given me! ❤️

3 18

I want to thank for colouring out this wonderful lad! go show them tons of love and appreciation because they deserve all of it.
be warned, they draw astonishing butts!!

3 30