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Since everyone else is doing it for I wanted to celebrate with a couple of women in some of my favorite video games that represent women who don’t often get represented. These girls light up every scene they are in.

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Spent too much time with that tweet, time to shill some greatness, if you are a fan of fantastical characters, emotional stories, great world building and visual novel/srpg hybrids you should TOTALLY CHECK OUT THE UTAWARERUMONO SERIES (It’ll make you cry and laugh)

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With Tales of Symphonia Remastered coming out, I’d like to remind everyone that Sheena is indeed best girl

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2 games I hope don’t fly under the radar next year with all the high profile games coming out

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Elena do be the character that interests me the most, with her introduction monologue, the fact you hardly ever see her smile and she talks in the same tone no matter what. Her VA is Erica Lindbeck so it’s not a inexperienced VA and more than likely is a hint at Elena’s character

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Figured I'd join and drop 4 JRPGs I don't talk about as much, despite adoring them

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I'm sorry, I must speak the truth

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Can't wait to experience one of the most based female protags ever next week.

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JRPGs that will make you FEEL something

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