

itsa me Akiha. RT’ing a lot of Splatoony, Babymetal, R1999, and YURI 🫡 sometimes writes | Play Fatal Twelve | 日本語上手(無い)

フォロー数:928 フォロワー数:535

gay line if i ever saw one

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anyway stares at this photo for 234080 years. they finally let us marry her (AND SHE STILL HAS HER SHORT HAIR BLESSED)

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I saw acro-san talking about lize’s flower, i actually did some research a few months ago to see what lize’s summer outfit flower was, and it looks pretty similar to the Rindou, also known as Gentiana

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👀 ドキドキのワクワク

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I also wonder a bit about this, since she never finished her thought. The first choice would clearly be “I’d die with her,” but I feel like Ai as she is now, would want to find some other way.

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That’s kinda what I can take from Rika’s character so far. There’s also MOAR BREADCRUMBS for Koito’s situation. This is clearly not a healthy looking student/teacher relationship

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parca, after the true ending: bitch you thought

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*kpop stan voice* hEr DUalitY

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