

There 1nce was aWorld & Ididnt fit in. Autist Artist GDR . Socially clumsy, clumsily social. #smallbudgetartist . No 📱, no nerves. Still moving& on

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1 must learn being "happy with 1self" 2b happy with others. Im HFA, Autism, Im the fifth wheel by nature. Yet and after a long, long road I realised that it takes two and also true self.

Which does not equal carelessness. Lots of things depend on balance. Its hard.

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PS: TY for the encouragement. I need it sometimes. Thank you, truly.

Clip only. My bloody dutchess

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Belated Happy Birthday 2Mr Had 2paint after a tiny, tiny pic by GettyImages/Jack Mitchell of 134 kb on 72 dpi = I saw almost nothing. Hope he does, though.

Sorry again 4current silence, its needed.

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Arms, hands and a head for Mr Gatiss.

Hashtag - when you should be work-working but are too nervous due2 appointment later. Real job will be done later hence too.

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PS: Think I should rephrase that: Not getting along w somePPL doesnt make either side bad or good.
There are PPL w BPD who nonetheless are decent. Do right things, actually work hard, etc (have two here).
And than there r those 1can only describe as lazy, users of others etc

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PS: Off doing some work now, thinking of all in pain, new artwork righ above in my tweet I reply to.
Have a pleassant sunday, if possible. And thank you.

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Dear Mr G, could you please paint Matthew? I really think it would do him good, especially now (Im not sure if Im allowed 2speak abt it, but you know him, he can tell you). Please consider it? He likes blue, looks extra good in his blue armlessshirt of the tripleset.

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You one of the few I can tolerate it with (besides, you are not doing it on a regulary base)-

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Me too. Bloated up or not. He was brave by talking about it in times not many would AND stated how priveliged he was, whatsoever.

Saying his profession was more likely 2accept "special needs". Plus his social class roots. I truly appreciate that since so many seem to forget it

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