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"What drew me to Black Canary is that she only has one superpower, & it’s her voice—& she uses it to make things right in the world!" chats with the inspiring about BLACK CANARY: IGNITE, her first-ever graphic novel, out today:

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What time is it?? It's time! This week, we're taking a closer look at the Top 10 Arts Books for Youth: 2019 from our Oct. 15 issue! Check out the full list here:

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Is your Tuesday lacking in Middle Grade spirit? Then make a mad dash over to our MG webinar TODAY at 1 PM CT! Don't miss out on these great titles! 📚🏃‍♀️⏳Register now!

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How do you feel about MG books?
A. Like them
B. Love them
C. Planning to get a "MG" tattoo
If you selected "C" then you must be mad for middle grade and so are we! So join us TOM when we talk to fellow MG fans about the latest titles coming your way:

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We already knew librarians were superheroes but now there's proof! recently held their 11th Graphic Novel Making Contest Awards Ceremony w/ guest speakers & a limited edition superhero library card!😱 ➡️ Congrats!!

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Do you miss Middle Grade? Not the life event, the genre? Here at , we are always missing MG even when it’s not gone! If you're as mad for MG as we are then join us 10/8 for a fab webinar about upcoming winter & spring titles! Register now:

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" takes a common theme—finding the courage to be yourself—and makes it funny, heartwarming, and inspiring." K-Grade 3.

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Focus-Group Member Turns Five, Celebrates with Two Picture Books:

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