

In these sleepless nights of despair, you appear to me not as the mighty leviathan, but as a young man, with eyes as black as the Void.

フォロー数:2579 フォロワー数:648

Weeping over how great this turned out.

Vladimir 💚💀💚


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Baby Bois, Cairo and Giza 🩸🔪


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Happy early birthday!
This is my android barbarian, Gideon!

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This is Dorian! I think his favorite summer treat would be those strawberries and cream ice cream bar things lol I have no clue what they're actually called

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Slowly getting more pieces of Gideon 💜

🖌️: Juli_anfang (IG), ,

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Gideon 💜💜💜

🖌️: juli_anfang (IG)

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