

welcome back every pony
my acc is just ss of shit i see on insta at this point
🕊✨white day kaoru came home 3/24/20✨🕊

フォロー数:149 フォロワー数:164

clean and simple like a good little christian girl

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claudine………i like to dresses like half of the girls at my school

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maya dresses probably really just casually elegant ig?

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mahiru probably dresses plain and simple and that’s cute 🥺🥺

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hikari also is probably the same way and has terrible fashion sense good on her good on her

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karen one of the more inaccurate ones but i like to think this is one of the times mahiru didn’t dress her and so it’s messy

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i got bored so Revue girks in pastel girls

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he still looks very cute in thigh highs and so do a lot of other boys 🥺🥺🥺🥺

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day 52.

dammit i technically missed yesterday

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