

welcome back every pony
my acc is just ss of shit i see on insta at this point
🕊✨white day kaoru came home 3/24/20✨🕊

フォロー数:149 フォロワー数:164

i found old cute birthday art from 2019 i wanna cry cuz dey still babie

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day 44.

so i don’t know if i posted this but i don’t care this is bound to pop up like 3 or 4 times in the thread since they’re my favorites and dey make me happy

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5. this wraps up the thread this one is pretty ok and i love this card but girlie put some shoes on in your cards from now on

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4. inexcusable this card makes me feel an unexplainable emotion

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2. a little debatable but she could’ve jus laid her legs flat girl please-

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a thread of the crazy weird amount of times anzus feet r really prominent in her cards 😬😬like i’m not one to be like sexualization but imas PLEASE CALM DOWN NOW ITS WEIRD

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arisa stans come and get me i dare you

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anyways i’m started a drawing take a wild guess which song it is

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sorry for being cringe i’m bored and i wanna doodle gimme some of these (LL, bandori, revue, cinderella girls)

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