

The official Twitter account sharing all the amazing art owned by #CMAnft and its holders #NFTs #Solana #Charity #JLCollection…

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Another mysterious piece by 🌟 A feeling of vastness of space and hugeness of statue strengthened by the three humans so small in comparison.
What does the scene remind you of? To me it looks like a symbol of emotional release 🦋

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After the devastating disaster in Turkey and Syria, we are all trying to help in ways that are available to us. One such possibility was created by our friend . She donates all profit to Turkish charity organisation this week. Thank you for helping us help 🙏💜

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These pieces by are so beautiful and mysterious. I imagine myself being the little person in a vast unknown environment. What do they bring up in you?

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I have freaked out several times when seeing eyes of cats, deers and other animals reflecting light in the darkness. But at least I knew they were harmless animals.
With those two in our , I am not so sure 😬😆 Excellent chilly work by

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Clowns come in many forms and talk to us in different ways.
A couple of them have found their way into our .
Are you scared of clowns? 🤡

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